The Importance of Professional Marketing Materials for Private Investigators - CROSStrax

There are of course any number of marketing strategies and approaches in business that are proven and successful.  However, when a risk management / investigation firm is marketing to prospective clients, coming across as professional, thorough and reliable is particularly paramount.  Given the amount of trust being placed, the potential risks involved and discretion required….professionalism is everything.

Amongst the ways to project this, is with a consistent, concise and clear message in your marketing materials.  When preparing your marketing materials (website, brochures, handouts, presentations, etc.) consider the following…

  • Brevity – Keep the marketing materials short and to the point; Despite all the time you might spend to prepare marketing materials, prospective clients may only review them quickly. Because the attention span of prospective clients is often limited, make sure they are not distracted by extraneous and non-critical messages.


  • Focus on and communicate clearly the Key Points you want to get across – This may seem obvious, but most readers or attendees at presentations will walk away with only two or three takeaway points at most…..make certain that they are the ones you believe important to communicate. Identify what you believe differentiates your firm.  This can take many forms, e.g. ….
    • Largest firm in your primary state
    • Tremendous experience in an area such as litigation support, criminal defense or workers’ compensation investigations
    • Longstanding relationships performing background checks for national firms
    • Many of your investigators are ex-military or ex-law enforcement
    • Evolved and timely investigation summaries / reports
    • Strong systems to ensure quality controls
    • Our investigators average (X) years experience
    • Chosen by well known companies in highly competitive situations

The list could go on and on…..only you know the most important items where you differentiate yourself.  Just be certain they stand out.

  • Professional Presentations – You can have a brief, focused and strong message but it may be discounted if the materials are not professionally prepared. In addition to the obvious, i.e. ensuring spelling, grammar etc. are correct….make sure your brochures are professional, that your website flows well and are user friendly.  You will be judged on everything.


  • A Consistent Message – If you want to establish the right reputation or to be recognized for certain things (like the key points mentioned above) make certain that they are communicated consistently throughout your all your marketing materials. The reinforcement of certain points will eventually help them to resonate with your prospects and clients.

Of course being considered professional takes much more than just your marketing materials.  However, with professionalism being so critical to a risk management/investigation firm, don’t let your marketing materials project anything but your best.

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