We at CROSStrax, as you may have noticed, constantly encourage our users to avail themselves of the system’s full functionality…believing that is the optimal path to assist in their success.  Knowing that if we are advocating comprehensive usage, we should and have made very deliberate efforts to ensure that this is easier via training, business incites and where applicable, assistance with integrations.  Education on both the industry overall and granular specifics on CROSStrax we believe can often make a difference.

Some specifics from a number of those initiatives include…

  • Knowledgebase – we make available to the user base various articles on how to operate the system as it relates to everything from functionality to integrations


  • Webinars – users can also avail themselves of more expansive explanations and instructions on various features (for example, on items as specific as how to create a report template and many others)


  • Support Tickets – timely responses to online inquiries


  • Blogs – that offer opinions and perspectives on business in general, the risk management/private investigation industry specifically and of course CROSStrax


  • The CROSStrax YouTube Library – that offers short blurbs on a number of topics


Further, users can make arrangements for assistance with onboarding and/or integrations with a number of CROSStrax service partners, functions and outside systems.

Helping our users be successful will always be a top priority.