Why Private Investigators Should Use a Time Tracking Tool

The private investigations industry requires efficiency and accuracy to perform well and please their clients. Private investigators often juggle multiple cases, each with its unique needs and time demands. Managing these effectively requires more than sharp detective skills. They need a robust system for tracking time and resources. This is where detective case management software […]

Don’t Miss the Benefits of These PI Tech Stack Tools

Yes, private investigators have done their jobs for years without technology. However, using the available software can help you save time and money. Private investigation management software can keep your company organized and get more bang for your buck. A robust tech stack can significantly enhance your investigative capabilities, streamline operations, and allow you to […]

CROSStrax vs TrackOps: Private Investigator Case Management Software Systems

In the private investigation business, efficiency, accuracy, and streamlined operations can make you or break you. Juggling multiple cases, managing client communications, and handling extensive documentation requires a robust case management system. The big question is: Which private investigator case management software system is your best choice? Enter CROSStrax and TrackOps—two leading Software as a […]

Just How Much Time and Money Can Private Investigator Software Save?

Every private investigator on the street wants to make as much money as possible. The more efficient they are with their time, the more hours they can bill and money they can take home. Specialized private investigator software solutions can help manage their caseloads more effectively. Just how much savings are we looking at, you […]

Best Private Investigator Software Tools

Competition’s fierce in the P.I. business. Staying ahead is crucial. But that means more than just having a keen eye for detail and a knack for uncovering the truth. It’s about leveraging the best online search tools in the trade to streamline your work, enhance your investigative capabilities, and deliver results that speak volumes. We […]

The Investigator Alliance: How it can help you ramp your business back-up quickly

In 2020, most of us have experienced the painful reminder that planned revenue growth does not always happen as anticipated.  There are revenue dips and spikes in most businesses during normal times, but Covid-19 has certainly facilitated at least a moderate (and maybe worse) impairment to most private investigation / risk management firms (an industry […]

CROSStrax™ Education and Training

We at CROSStrax, as you may have noticed, constantly encourage our users to avail themselves of the system’s full functionality…believing that is the optimal path to assist in their success.  Knowing that if we are advocating comprehensive usage, we should and have made very deliberate efforts to ensure that this is easier via training, business […]

CROSStrax acquires PI Direct Link

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: CROSStrax LLC 844.874.3955 patrick@crosstrax.co CROSStrax acquires PI DIRECT LINK DESTIN, FL – October 24, 2018 – (CROSStrax acquires PI Direct Link) – CROSStrax LLC, an industry-leading investigation case management solution, announced it has acquired PI Direct Link, a full-service investigation case management software platform. The purchase will allow CROSStrax to scale its users […]