Entries by Patrick Andrews

Why Private Investigators Should Use a Time Tracking Tool

The private investigations industry requires efficiency and accuracy to perform well and please their clients. Private investigators often juggle multiple cases, each with its unique needs and time demands. Managing these effectively requires more than sharp detective skills. They need a robust system for tracking time and resources. This is where detective case management software […]

Don’t Miss the Benefits of These PI Tech Stack Tools

Yes, private investigators have done their jobs for years without technology. However, using the available software can help you save time and money. Private investigation management software can keep your company organized and get more bang for your buck. A robust tech stack can significantly enhance your investigative capabilities, streamline operations, and allow you to […]

CROSStrax vs TrackOps: Private Investigator Case Management Software Systems

In the private investigation business, efficiency, accuracy, and streamlined operations can make you or break you. Juggling multiple cases, managing client communications, and handling extensive documentation requires a robust case management system. The big question is: Which private investigator case management software system is your best choice? Enter CROSStrax and TrackOps—two leading Software as a […]

Best Private Investigator Software Tools

Competition’s fierce in the P.I. business. Staying ahead is crucial. But that means more than just having a keen eye for detail and a knack for uncovering the truth. It’s about leveraging the best online search tools in the trade to streamline your work, enhance your investigative capabilities, and deliver results that speak volumes. We […]

Streamlining Criminal Defense Investigations: How Software Solutions Can Enhance Efficiency

  In criminal defense, investigations play a pivotal role in determining the truth and providing justice to the accused. However, traditional investigative methods can often be time-consuming, resource-intensive, and prone to human errors. In recent years, technological advancements have revolutionized the legal landscape, and software solutions tailored for criminal defense investigations are one such innovation […]

Best Practices for Conducting Background Investigations

  In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, conducting thorough background investigations is crucial for businesses and individuals. A comprehensive background investigation can provide valuable insights and mitigate potential risks, whether for pre-employment screening, tenant verification, or due diligence for business partnerships.  This blog post will discuss the best practices for conducting background investigations and how […]


Billing and Expense Tracking Software for Investigators: Features to Look For

  In the fast-paced world of investigations, managing billing and tracking expenses can be daunting. With numerous cases, clients, and expenditures to keep track of, investigators require efficient software solutions to streamline their billing and expense management processes. Billing and expense tracking softwares help optimize their operations.  In this blog, we will explore the key […]

How to Choose the Right Case Management Software for your Industry

  Case management software has become essential for many industries, including healthcare, legal, social work, etc. With so many options in the market, choosing the right case management software for your industry can be overwhelming. This blog will examine the factors you should consider when selecting case management software.     1. Identify Your Industry-Specific […]

Top 5 Steps for Workplace Conflict Resolution

Workplace conflicts are common, and if not managed effectively, they can disrupt productivity, damage relationships, and create a negative work environment. Resolving conflicts promptly and efficiently is crucial for maintaining a harmonious workplace. This blog will discuss some of the top steps to resolve conflict in the workplace. Additionally, we will explore how CROSStrax, a […]